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Modified short treatment for rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis

1st VMC webinar, held on 7 October 2020

Adverse events with linezolid and their management

2nd VMC webinar, held on 6 November 2020

Treatment of Hepatitis C and drug-resistant tuberculosis co-infection

3rd VMC webinar, held on 4 December 2020

Tuberculosis and diabetes

4th VMC webinar, held on 5 February 2021

Management of drug-resistant tuberculosis and HIV co-infection

5th VMC webinar, held on 12 March 2021

BPaL treatment

6th VMC webinar, held on 23 April 2021

Good Clinical Practice in Operational Research on mSTR

7th VMC webinar, held on 4 June 2021

Alcohol dependence and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis

8th VMC webinar, held on 23 July 2021

Cardiotoxicity and tuberculosis

9th VMC webinar, held on 3 September 2021

Tuberculosis and COVID-19

10th VMC webinar, held on 15 October 2021

Tuberculosis in prisons

11th VMC webinar, from 19 November 2021

Management of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis and renal failure

12th VMC webinar, held on 17 December 2021
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