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What we do?
VMC provides scientifically sound and evidence-based clinical advice to national TB expert committee or technical working group and individual practitioners on the management of DR-TB and other difficult-to-treat TB cases.
Treatment regimen design for a patient with extensive patterns of drug-resistance, management of co-infections (including HIV, Hepatitis C, COVID-19), co-morbidities, pregnancy, and pediatric patients.
Management of drug interactions, or adverse events linked to treatment.
Management of patients treated with shorter treatment regimens, including within operational research.
Clinical capacity-building through webinars, video and text instructions with good practices in DR-TB clinical care.

For information

Since establishment on 01.10.2020 and up to 31.10.2023, VMC consulted 374 people with TB from 13 countries.




Read the instructions

Read the instructions here


Submit a request for advice

Submit completed Case Presentation Form to It is important to make sure that all submitted documents do not contain patient personal data.


Members of Virtual Medical Consilium will review your request

When needed, the Coordinator of VMC may request additional information.


Conclusion and recomendations

Decision will be sent in response to your e-mail letter. We usually reply within 48 hours (excluding Saturday and Sunday).

How to get a VMC consultation?

Instructions for presentation of clinical cases to VMC:

What are the advantages of VMC?

The VMC reviews each individual situation on a case-by-case basis taking into consideration the current medical condition of the patient, past medical history, drug-resistance profile, data from vital, laboratory and instrumental examinations, availability of drugs in the country, and other available information, as well as the latest WHO guidance on medical management of DR-TB and international experience. In circumstances related to treatment performed within operational research (mSTRs, BPaL), the Consilium will refer to conditions of operational research protocol approved by the national/local ethics review committee of specific country. All consultations are provided for free.


2024 update of TB recording and reporting

28th VMC webinar, held on 21 June 2024

2024 update to TB diagnostics

27th webinar of the Virtual Medical Consilium, that took place on 26th April 2024

Shortened Drug Regimens for MDR-TB

26th VMC webinar held 15th March 2024

Care and support interventions for people with TB and DR-TB

25th VMC webinar, held on February 2nd, 2024.