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Cardiotoxicity and tuberculosis

9th webinar of the Virtual Medical Consilium (VMC) on tuberculosis, held on September 3, 2021

Webinar agenda:

- Greetings. Dr Askar Yedilbayev and Mr Oleksandr Korotych, TB Control Team, Joint Infectious Diseases Control Unit, WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark.

- An overview of cardiovascular disorders and DR-TB. Dr. Kai Blondal, member of the Regional Green Light Committee, WHO consultant.

- Cardiotoxicity of DR-TB drugs and active drug safety monitoring. Ms Svetlana Setkina, member of the Regional Green Light Committee, WHO consultant on aDSM.

- An example of Moldova in the management of adverse events associated with the cardiotoxicity of DR-TB drugs. Dr. Anna Donika, Deputy Director of the Institute of Phthisiopulmonology named after A.I. Kirill Draganyuk, Chisinau, Moldova.

Video record of this webinar is available on Russian only

1. General overview of cardiovascular disorders and TB_ENG.pdf 1. Общий обзор сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний и туберкулеза_RUS.pdf 2. Cardiotoxisity of TB drugs_ENG.pdf 2. Кардиотоксичность ПТЛС_RUS.pdf 3. Clinical cases_ENG.pdf 3. Клинические случаи_RUS.pdf