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TB Infection prevention and control

· Welcoming remarks. Dr Askar Yedilbayev, Regional TB and DR-TB Advisor, Joint Infectious Diseases Unit, WHO Regional Office for Europe, Denmark.

· Overview of new WHO guideline and handbook on TB Infection Control and Prevention. Dr Avinash Kanchar, Global TB Programme, WHO Headquarters, Switzerland.

· Evidence behind WHO recommendations on TB infection prevention and control. DrGrigory Volchenkov, WHO expert 

· People-centered approach in TB infection prevention and control. Dr Askar Yedilbayev, Regional TB and DR-TB Advisor, Joint Infectious Diseases Unit, WHO Regional Office for Europe, Denmark.

· Questions and Answers.

3 VMC_PCA_IPC_Askar_ENG_Final.pdf 1 Overview of ICP guidelines ENG.pdf 1 Overview of ICP guidelines RUS.pdf 2 Evidence behind WHO recommendations on TB IPC GVolchenkov.pdf 2 Evidence behind WHO recommendations on TB IPC GVolchenkov_rus_GV.pdf 3 VMC_PCA_IPC_Askar_RUS_Final.pdf